The ship's crew has been slaughtered and Isaac’s beloved partner, Nicole, is lost somewhere on board. Isaac Clarke is an everyman engineer on a mission to repair a vast mining ship, the USG Ishimura, only to discover something has gone horribly wrong. This remake brings jaw-dropping visual fidelity, suspenseful atmospheric audio, and improvements to gameplay while staying faithful to the original game’s thrilling vision. Sound effects add to the atmosphere of the game.The sci-fi survival horror classic Dead Space™ returns, completely rebuilt from the ground up to offer a deeper and more immersive experience.Uncover the truth about the adventures of the characters.An enemy strike can be delivered at any moment.These characters may start out as typical characters to use, but Dead Space takes them in directions you probably wouldn't expect, and the richness they add to the story makes this one of the best scripted games in recent memory.

Isaac's love interest Nicole practically haunts the poor man during his trials and tribulations. Hammond's rugged military persona puts his mission first, with maintaining the welfare of those serving under him at the last second. There are several other major characters in Dead Space, and each is adept at playing their role as sci-fi/horror archetypes. And this is just one character in the game, although the most important. This closeness encourages you to care for him worry about him the need to do everything possible to secure it and bring it to its goals and objectives. There are hundreds of these tiny examples that introduce you to the character of Isaac throughout the game, and what's amazing about Dead Space is how surprisingly close Isaac is. Isaac is not without a means of expression, and his cries of pain and anguish when he is attacked by twisted alien Necromorphs, or wheezing gasps when he runs out of oxygen, highlight the horror and desperation you share with him on his cursed journey. Isaac is similar to Half-Life's Gordon Freeman in his curious ability to evoke sympathy despite never having spoken a word. Dead Space is the main feature of the game, it is a quiet and modest hero that you control.